Treetop Challenge
Our most popular high ropes course with epic zip lines. Adventurers need to be aged 10 and 1.4m tall.
- 1-3 hours
- From £34.95
Trust us, that morning sunrise makes for the most spectacular of walks (or runs!). Take your camera to capture the beauty of early mornings. And remember, the early bird catches the worm!
If you're feeling a little lethargic, it's nothing that a good dose of fresh air can't sort! Making time in your day to go for an outdoor walk has been proven to considerably lift your mood.
Vitamin D is essential for keeping bones strong and healthy and you can get your fair share by going outside. Just remember to always wear sunscreen in the hotter months.
Getting out of the office when you've been cooped up inside is sure to put a smile on your face. It also gives you much-needed time away from your computer, or the stresses of work.
If you exercise outside rather than inside, the varied terrain and different weather conditions puts more demand on your body. You'll often use a wider range of muscles and can therefore burn up to five per cent more calories.
Fresh air is tiring, so spending time out there will mean that when your head hits the pillow you should get a solid eight hours of sleep.
Research has shown that spending just an hour outdoors could lead to a boost in short-term memory.
When heading outdoors into nothing but open fields, you can't help but feel less worried about life. Even if you live in a city, just getting away from your desk and taking a stroll can really boost your mindset.
Want an extra reason to head outside? Browse our many Go Ape Adventures and give yourself an exciting excuse to get outdoors!